The PUSCC is pleased to announce the organization of a virtual panel “Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization: Opportunities From a New Global Reality” scheduled for July 16th.
Rather than “one more presentation about AI & Digital”, the event will offer a lively discussion between a truly unique set of speakers focusing on what to expect in terms of outlook and practical opportunities for Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization. We will feature world-leading insights on the topic and share pragmatic examples on Banking, Energy, Health and IT industries as well as latest trends from Academia.
The panel of subject matter experts includes: Prof. Manuela Veloso (Head JP Morgan Chase AI Research and Professor at Carnegie Mellon University), Miguel Noronha (Executive Vice President North America, United Kingdom, Portugal and Global Accounts at Altitude Software), Nuno Guerreiro (Head of Industry, Search Ads 360 at Google US), Rui Teixeira (CEO EDP Generation and Member of the Board of Directors of EDP). Joao Ribeiro da Costa (Head of Digital Transformation Catolica-Lisbon) will be serving as the moderator.